6th Feb, Day 1 Workshop:
Chair: Hamid Ravaghi
The workshop will provide information on enhancing hospital resilience in all phases of disaster risk management. This is based on the work of the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean to provide practical guidance for hospital managers and members of hospital emergency management committees to enhance hospital resilience by enduring a hazard impact while maintaining essential health service functions and recovering from its original state. In addition, the lessons from the hospitals’ experiences are applied to reduce disaster risks and improve future responses as the result of a continuous process of learning exemplified by tangible improvements in reducing disaster risks and increasing the hospital’s capacities over time.
Chair: Brad Newbury
Co-Chair: Robert Obernier
This workshop will focus on managing the first few minutes of the prehospital response to a disaster. Emphasis will be placed on how the first arriving unit formulates and delivers an on-scene radio report, how to mobile resources and to establish command and control. We will debunk some common myths of triage and offer tools to help the first arriving, EMT or Paramedic with making decisions in extremis. Content is presented in the context of real word case studies, role playing as well as a multi-agency integrated tabletop exercise to reenforce the learning of the workshop.
Chair: Gabriel Benmoussa
Co-Chair: David DiGregorio
This workshop describes the role, design, and functions of Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) and their relationships as components of a multi-agency coordination system during disaster operations and the critical integration of an incident management system (IMS) for command and control. The workshop contains disaster-related examples, activities, case studies and a tabletop workshop that relate to IMS, EOC’s and multi-agency coordination systems.
Chair: Todd Benham
Co-Chair: Nahida Nayaz Ahmed
This workshop describes the role, design, and functions of a Disaster Mental Health Response Team (DMHRT) as a stand-alone response team or as a component of a multi-agency coordination system during disaster or crisis operations. The workshop contains disaster-related examples and practical exercises to provide DMHRT members with the basic skills needed to respond to and support disaster survivors, victims, and responders. The workshop includes a tabletop exercise wherein participants will incorporate the specific topics identified below into a DMHRT response plan with other participating agencies.
7th Feb, Day 2 Workshop:
Exercise Director:
Exercise Co-Director:
Exercise Organizers:
Gabriel Benmoussa
Zuhair Al Sharafi
Mr. Bradford Newbury
Dr. David Di Grigorio
Dr. Todd Benham
The Abu Dhabi International Disaster Medicine Conference prehospital disaster resource management and emergency operations center command and coordination workshops will provide attendees with best practices in crisis decision making, incident action planning, disaster incident command, multi-agency coordination, emergency operations center command and control concepts, and resource management. The workshops, through the Multi Casualty Incident (MCI) functional exercise, will enable the attendees to put into practice the learned concepts and methodologies and assume various practical positions within the exercise.